I never thought what if i am complete, an obsolete and vapoured. like some sunray, no, lightning being lit, then struck and smashed and taken.
I never thought it should be as it happens, days quick change in slow motion. But when he met her, as they went through It was, he knew, no time for caution.
The hours spent by tea and dreaming, The minutes whispered since his heart's whistling About the seconds driving her away By day, each day...
She never thought what if she'd married, in white or pastel but with lace. A family and husband about whom she'd carry and in her mind their strong affectionate embrace.
She never thought she'd remember him, a stranger, carved memories would ever turned her on. Helpless and instant both they look as staring, gazing. But left is nothing.Nothing is her thought.
He never thought years later she might be calling, Him hailing in the crowdy winter, like some bell ringing while snow's falling, Her voice so gentle, her words so forgiving.
They never thought that could happen, That all could happen once in a while. So when they are complete and taken, They are happy, because they loved their only life.