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У пруда всю ночь напролёт
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Donald Switcher
Donald Switcher
Перейти к дневнику Donald Switcher
Настроение: ящер
Музыка: blackbird
Тема: blackin'-in, blue away
Добавлено: 19 09 2008 19:07:25
in the black of the river i'm smiling
river lies to me loose to them
lost in stems
there's a hole in the picture where shining
goes away and stumbles
urn the road
murmur genitals with sticky voice
sounds of imperfection per earth's life
europe leaves a bulb switched off
on autumn automobile starts we moving
i'm only six yards scattered
they lift my weight a bubble
and all within the road i saw you rumble
your children rapidly blow out a next hole
in the incurable picture
i saw your ninjas
some of them were worn a hat
blinded by the blacking river
they've all drowned that six
next six
and you born a pregnant child
ribbon river, paincil,
island child
irky loops in wonderful return
rat smells by my urn a
i don't mean to smile
but mouth've died near it
figure of being distorted
stir the globe up children
act within the insects
river blacks
cans and barracks riches
reach stars, fracture
i'm sappy....

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