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Donald Switcher
Donald Switcher
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Настроение: бринбрим
Музыка: css
Тема: cunTcell
Добавлено: 05 10 2008 16:17:20
want to eat your face a puree
purest of all cumus
with a spoon or fingers
food will slip through fingers
because of morning
zombie's loving you it means
micro morning danger field
fillers, steal you slowly
nothing more than one
huge leg to motivate the lust
wall inside the pool in pains
no reflection creepy bubbles
your white nice hand tries to reach the
ladder to get out from water
panties and some flesh
makes colour rubin fucks
nasty stones of
blood for answer
zombie's stretching out his hands
want to finish your cute bottom!!
what would you answer with
a naked skull, whore!!??

nobody_loves_me. jeremy forson.gif (61 kb)

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