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Donald Switcher
Donald Switcher
Перейти к дневнику Donald Switcher
Настроение: bastard as i ever was
Музыка: nauvelle vague- in a manner of speaking
Тема: take you off the picture
Добавлено: 25 06 2008 13:22:56
polar bug
is nothing more than insect
tons of waters, tons of mud 'n' make-up
floatin in beneath the mess
fishing with you
catching you above the rue
riggid & so fragile
mums a word- because the rule
in this lonely luncheon

while you serve on tuesdays june-
my trenchdays

i'm a misfit, goin' in disproportion
that quack just sold me clock
of confusion
on my way back home tomorrow' nest
eggs & fried old sun stare at me angrily
maybe just the clichee- merely angrily
in one of this holes my mouth & chest
rest the last of airproof battle fishes
human- like the stamps on moron's shirt
wish me some of poverbs, best to live with
after cup of daily inches
worth it??
measured but disfunctional- wet penguin
true to you while truth becomes more speechless
every beauty bee got sting to bait things
even she's background
off the picture....

t.y. "Ready, Steady, Editor"

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