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Печальный мир!
Даже когда расцветают вишни...
Даже тогда...
Дневник ведёт: Freak
Freak02-06-2009 16:55 #1
Группа: Passive
Настроение: Distanced
Музыка: Runhild Gaemelsetter - Love
Тема: Have no kick left
Хотите честно? Вы даже не представляете, какого это - жить среди людей. Жить среди вас. Every-fucking-day living among humans, feeling your hatred that you cannot explain. Feeling your confusionб palpate your sickness. But you'll never understand the spider. Tee-hee... Pathetic bastards... Shapeless mass... Nothing more... Nothing more...

Yeah, it's chaotic. Yeah, it's pretentious. But I can't share the truth.
And of course I know it's really obtusely, but I feel better feeding this shitty truth to the gap of this motherfucking internet page. And feel better typing something like "If you had any idea what's in my mind". Have ya ever felt snakes behind your eyes, huh? Whatever, dudes. Whatever. I needed it and now I got it. And your comments won't make any sense. Suit yourself. And die slowly. Suffering is something more than just a pain. I will be there. Waiting.
I look...but everyone seems dead (c) Dez Fafara.
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